Supporting Canberra businesses to win $2 million in UK deals
We partnered with the ACT Government’s TradeStart Program to deliver branding, marketing and networking workshops to prepare Canberra businesses to win contracts in the United Kingdom.
Coaching and Training
Marketing campaign strategy
Graphic design
Professional networking
million dollars in new contracts
We researched and got to know each business participating in the workshops so the content we developed was relevant and impactful.
To help each business define goals and win deals, we coached them through the development of a business plan.
To help build business networks, we strengthened individual LinkedIn profiles and provided training in how to create content that aligns with their business goals.
We taught participants how to speak before a camera and helped them prepare a professional pitch for their business.
“Fantastic training program. Absolutely worth taking two days away from the business.”
“I really enjoyed hearing from Colin Anstie and Cam Sullings, and I will definitely take all the tips and tricks on board.”